4 research outputs found

    A Systematic Review on Automatic Detection of Plasmodium Parasite

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    Plasmodium parasite is the main cause of malaria which has taken many lives. Some research works have been conducted to detect the Plasmodium parasite automatically. This research aims to identify the development of current research in the area of Plasmodium parasite detection. The research uses a systematic literature review (SLR) approach comprising three stages, namely planning, conducting, and reporting. The search process is based on the keywords which were determined in advance. The selection process involves the inclusion and exclusion criteria. The search yields 45 literatures from five different digital libraries. The identification process finds out that 28 methods are applied and mainly categorizes as machine learning algorithms with performance achievements between 60% and 95%. Overall, the research of Plasmodium parasite detection today has focused on the development with artificial intelligence specifically related to machine and deep learning. These approaches are believed as the most effective approach to detect Plasmodium parasites

    A Systematic Literature Review of Application Development to Realize Paperless Application in Indonesia: Sectors, Platforms, Impacts, and Challenges

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    Going paperless is an ideal form of the information era with the advantages of being time-efficient, environmentally friendly, proper documentation management, and it is an important step to improve the perception of the organization in the environmental field. From the environmental perspective, paperless is a concrete step to reduce the use of trees for paper. The paperless concept has been proposed by the government and has been legally guaranteed, so various sectors have begun to implement the paperless concept such as in the government, education, and industry sectors. However, there has been limited research that studies how many sectors implement paperless applications, the platforms that are used to develop paperless applications, the impacts of using paperless applications and the challenges for Indonesia. Therefore, this study aims to find out more details in the use of paperless applications in terms of sectors, platforms, impacts, and challenges for Indonesia. The data used in this study are articles of journal accredited by Sinta discussing the development of paperless applications in the government, education, and industry sectors from 2010 to 2019. The data are analyzed using the Systematic Literature Review method (SLR). The results of this study indicate that the sector that constantly develops paperless applications is the education sector, while the dominant platform used to develop paperless applications is the website. The impact of using paperless applications has a positive impact both in terms of performance, budget savings, and solving environmental problems generated by paper waste. Paperless applications are the solution in the digital era in supporting environmental preservation. The challenge is how the government makes regulations to support paperless applications in all agencies and provides financial support to sectors in which the use of paper is classified as significant but lacks funds in implementing paperless applications. Paperless applications must also be easy to use, and users must be provided continuous training so that paperless applications can be implemented easier

    Analisa Penerapan Algoritma Brute Force Dalam Pencocokan String

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    Kebutuhan untuk menemukan informasi yang berguna dan cepat dalam suatu data yang besar sangat dibutuhkan. Karena kompleksitas data yang begitu banyak maka diperlukan suatu metode atau cara untuk dapat mencari suatu informasi yang diperlukan. Untuk melakukan pencarian sebuah data atau informasi tidak terlepas dari pencocokan string dimana dari hasil pencocokan inilah akan ditemukan pola kalimat yang dicari. Dalam penelitian ini membahas tentang penerapan algoritma brute force dalam melakukan pencocokan sebuah string. Algoritma ini melakukan pencocokan string dengan menggeser satu persatu pattern dan menyesuaikannya dengan teks hingga antara pattern dan teks memiliki pola yang sama. Hasil analisis dari penelitian ini berupa uji coba pencocokan string dengan algoritma brute force dengan studi kasus menggunakan mesin pencarian (search engine) dengan bahasa pemrograman PHP untuk pencocokan strin

    Global Threshold Using Otsu and Active Contour for Detection of Malaria Parasites in Thick Blood Smear

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    Malaria is a disease caused by the plasmodium parasite and has caused many fatalities. In general, identifying malaria parasite infection can be done by visually observing thick and thin blood smears through microscopic devices. Identification of parasites in thick blood preparations has a higher level of difficulty than thin blood preparations. In thick blood preparations, various objects such as artefacts and noise have a structure similar to the structure of parasitic objects. This paper aims to develop a parasite detection method based on image processing in thick blood smears, consisting of two main stages. First is to improve image quality by applying contrast value stretching, converting green channels, and refining each image. Second is to segment the plasmodium parasite using global threshold Otsu and active contour followed by several morphological operations. The proposed method produces a high sensitivity of 98.06% with an average negative false rate of 1.4%. With the sensitivity level obtained, it can be interpreted that most of the parasitic objects have been detected correctly in one blood sample image